As I Journey Within
As I Journey Within
By Martha MacFarland
As I journey within
I find freedom
As I let go of any limiting beliefs
And embrace my divine nature in solitude and quiet
Breathing in the light of God
Asking my Higher Self in Spirit to guide and protect me
Knowing that angels, ascended masters, guides, and deceased loved ones are also there
To lead me to synchronicities along my path
To reassure me that I am exactly where I need to be in this present moment
As I journey within
I live in the heart and presence of God
And I AM reassured with the knowing
That I AM a divine expression
And I AM here to receive and give blessings
I find contentment as my energy shifts higher
Knowing I AM a sovereign being of light
My inner world is divine consciousness
And I am abundant and prosperous
In the kingdom of heaven
Focusing my thoughts and intentions on what I desire
For me and others
I AM a creator in Christ frequency
With the freedom to choose my path and my frequency
To respond to the world from a higher perspective
By becoming a tuning fork to higher vibrations that serve me
And surrendering the ego to realize the truth of my eternal identity
My multidimensional self that is beyond this physical body
Knowing my purpose is expansion
Expansion of love, compassion, well-being, ease, and vitality
For if I AM one in spirit, there is no separation
No reason to resist or contract to the fearful patterns of this collective
For I am beloved and supported by the universe
Aimed to find appreciation in these experiences and relationships
As I journey within
I set my intentions
To be an active participant
Who has the power to choose my response
And to learn the lessons and gifts of this life
For I am the light of God who never fails
For I am the love of God in action that always prevails
As I journey within