In the Moment of Now

In the Moment of Now 

by Martha MacFarland

In this moment of Now

I am in love with life

Ready for the universe to surprise 

And delight me

As I lean into joy

And find alignment with my soul

Looking for reflective patterns of resonance

And gaining many perspectives

As I focus on my preferences

On this journey of life

This lIfe happening for me

I know that I am fine tuning my desires

Acting on my highest passions

Searching for the path of least resistance 

So that my energy flows downstream

Focusing on my state of being

As the most important aspect of life

Choosing to be happy

Knowing my reality is a reflection 

Of what I am offering the world

I strive to be playful with reality

Allowing creativity

Knowing circumstances don’t always matter

It is my state of being that does

And life is about choosing my preferences

To choose to feel good and send that energy

To all aspects of myself: past, present, and future

Clearing any blockages, any fear-based beliefs

To embrace the heart

And follow the excitement

Allowing synchronicities to bring the best outcome for me

And my core values to attract the right experiences

And most importantly 

I embrace the eternal being I am

In this moment of Now