Love is a choice


Love is a choice, a commitment

And a way of being 

In order to connect with others

To show compassion

To show kindness

And it is a choice that we most embody

Everyday when we wake up

To transmute any fears of the ego

With God’s love, for we are all One

And the world is transformed in that Oneness

When love filters our vision and heart

When we surrender and let go 

As a child trusts his parents to keep him safe

We must trust our Higher Self in God

And surrender what we cannot control

And choose love, the love that is the creative force of this universe

For only love is real

Everything else is an illusion constructed by our ego

But it is a temporary veil on earth

Not our true identity

Consciousness transcends the limitations of the individual mind

Reminding us that we are part of a Whole Mind

No one is lost because the Kingdom is Within

We have just denied and forgot

Our true knowing is when we accept that our holiness is assured by God

Illusions are the ego’s projections

Onto a world we created in our mind

We have the power to stop projecting illusions

To anchor in our home frequency

And embody Heaven on Earth

Awaken from the dream

And realize we are all holy and love 

Operating at different levels of awareness

So we find freedom in forgiveness

Because if we are all One

Then no one is truly outside ourselves

And in this acceptance we find happiness and fulfillment

A True Reality where we see that we are all connected

In this present moment

Unfolding in a divine order

Our journey then is to discover the Truth within ourselves

 A journey of self-discovery and self-realization

A recognition that I Am that Mind

An Empty Vessel

And in the acceptance and surrender

The veil lifts

And integration with the whole mind transforms

We realize we were never alone

And once the door opens to our home frequency

We realize this is a daily choice

To stay present in the moment

To stay in the Kingdom

And when our eyes open to reality

We strive to find balance between self-care and service to others

For joy comes from our ability to connect with and serve others

When we choose love

We are a channel for Divine energy

A vehicle for the expression of God’s love and wisdom

So, love is a choice, a commitment

And a way of being 

When we wake up

And say, “Yes” to love