Living with Ease
Living with Ease
By Martha MacFarland
We can choose to create without struggle
Knowing that all things being experienced
Are necessary for each person
And we can allow things to play out
And honor the choices of others
Without attaching our energy to them
In order to live with ease
We can have compassion for those around us
While honoring ourselves
Focusing and fine tuning our preferences
As sovereign beings of light
Away from fear and victimization
Fully connected to Source
For in life, we can face resistance and pain
Or, we can find the flow of life with ease
Through our breath, we can find peace and clarity
Loving all the pieces of ourselves
Realizing we are one with Source
And that a larger perspective is playing out
To live with ease
Is to intentionally align with a higher state of consciousness
Releasing lower vibrational levels of fear
And progressing to higher vibrational levels of love
Letting go of egoic patterns
Observing thoughts to gain a greater sense of self-realization
Trusting our intuition and our heart
We can listen to our soul in meditation
And purge ideas that no longer serve us
Relying on the unconditional love of self
For when we truly unconditionally love ourselves
Then we can unconditionally love others
And illuminate the confidence and self worth within
Living with ease is leaning into joy
Living authentically
Having faith in where we are right now
And living with love and compassion
As purposes and lessons play out around us
Integrating the soul’s wisdom to guide our path